There is abundant transportation infrastructure in the region, including US Hwy 63, 36, 65, 24, 136 and Missouri Highways 5 and 6, with extensive rail and an available water port in south Chariton County. An adequate, affordable and sustainable potable drinking water supply is critical to meet current demands and provide opportunities for future economic development.

The “Green Hills” region of North Central Missouri is largely rural with agriculture, agribusiness and specialized manufacturing industries as key drivers of the economy. The region is a substantial contributor to Missouri’s economy, particularly exports of agricultural products like grains and livestock but also specialized, manufactured goods, including wire rope, book publishing and fabrication.

Transportation Infrastructure

The East Locust Creek Reservoir has a 32 square mile drainage area that lies entirely within the ELCR 10 county service area and the Green Hills Region. The contributing drainage area is approximately 53% Pasture/Hay, 25% Deciduous Forest and a mixture of other uses. It includes the town of Pollock and the unincorporated towns of Lemons and Boynton (which is being inundated by the reservoir).

See the catchment map and land use distribution map for more detail.

ELCR Catchment Map
Land Distribution