The NCMRWC owns and operates its own water treatment facility and distribution system and leases raw water rights from the City of Milan from Elmwood Reservoir and other city lakes.  The current treatment system was constructed in 2001.  In 2006 NCMRWC acquired the water treatment plant from the City of Milan.

The sources of the existing water supply system are Elmwood Lake, which also receives water that is pumped from Golf Course Lake. Pumping directly from Locust Creek is also done to replenish the Elmwood reservoir levels in situations when the flow of the creek downstream can be maintained at required levels.

NCMRWC also has an agreement with the City of Trenton (MDNR PWSD ID No. 2010796) through an emergency connection agreement or Consecutive Connection agreement.  This connection is intended to provide a source of finished water only in an emergency and is not a regular source of water for the NCMRWC.  The primary raw water source for Trenton is the Thompson River.  This surface source is not adequate for the long term design flow needed for the region.